Atlanta Duplicate Bridge Center    

6761 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard, Suite 200                   

Atlanta, Georgia 30360            (770) 248-0306


EVENT>DBAA Open Pairs          |SESSION>Wednesday Eve|SECTION> E N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>December 17, 2014  |SANCTION>ST1412027 | 12/17/2014 21:56
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Miles Duke      |RATING>STAC, CLUB>139659            |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>   50.0 |TOP>   4 |MP LIMITS>None/2000      |CLUB>Duplicate Bridge Asso Of
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=5/B=1                           ,---,-------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Section      |      |Section  |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---------
 1 Andre Asbury           Irina Ladyzhensky        A    2     .     50.50  50.50  0.88(A)
 2 R Gill                 Herbert Lehman           B    .     .     40.50  40.50
 3 Roger Roemmich         J Wolfe                  A    1     .     65.00  65.00  1.25(A)
 4 George Powell          Bruce Byrne              A    .     .     45.00  45.00
 5 Olin Hubert            Michael White            A    .     .     49.00  49.00

                                          Totals                   250.00

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5
   1>     4     1     2     0     3
        1210  -480  -100  -750   100

   2>     2     3     4     0     1
          50   100   150  -450  -140

   3>     4     1-    1-    1-    1-
         420   400   400   400   400

   4>     1     3     4     0     2
        -300  -100   110  -500  -200

   5>     1-    1-    4     1-    1-
         620   620   650   620   620

   6>     0     1-    3     4     1-
         -50   140   170   420   140

   7>     0     1     2     4     3
        -800  -690  -680  -620  -650

   8>     2     2     2     0     4
          50    50    50  -120   140

   9>     0     3     4     1-    1-
        -800   200   300  -630  -630

  10>     0     2-    2-    2-    2-
         500   630   630   630   630

  11>     3-    3-    0     1-    1-
         150   150  -150  -100  -100

  12>     0     3     1     2     4
        -200   110  -100   100   600

  13>     1-    0     1-    3     4
         170  -140   170   190   200

  14>     4      -    2-    2-     -
        -420  -920  -430  -430  -920

  15>     2     0     3     1     4
         200   130   650   150   660

  16>     3     1     4     1     1
        -130  -630   100  -630  -630

  17>     2     3-    3-    1     0
         -50  PASS  PASS  -170  -590

  18>     2-     -    4     2-     -
         110    90   500   110    90

  19>     2     2     2     2     2
         450   450   450   450   450

  20>      -     -    2-    4     2-
        -200  -200  -100   620  -100

  21>     3      -    2     4      -
        -100  -200  -170   110  -200

  22>     4     0     1-    1-    3
         430  -100   -50   -50   150

  23>     2-    4      -     -    2-
         100   200  -620  -620   100

  24>     3     1     4     1     1
          90   -50   300   -50   -50

  25>     2-     -    4     2-     -
         200   100   300   200   100

EVENT>DBAA Open Pairs          |SESSION>Wednesday Eve|SECTION> E E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>December 17, 2014  |SANCTION>ST1412027 | 12/17/2014 21:56
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Miles Duke      |RATING>STAC, CLUB>139659            |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>   50.0 |TOP>   4 |MP LIMITS>None/2000      |CLUB>Duplicate Bridge Asso Of
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=5/B=1                           ,---,-------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Section      |      |Section  |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---------
 1 William Rittenberg     Martin Nathan            A    2     .     50.50  50.50  0.88(A)
 2 Robert Thorstad        William Smith            B    .     .     42.00  42.00
 3 Robert Fendrick        Jim Stogner              A    .     .     50.00  50.00
 4 Garry Williams         Suseen Banks             A    .     .     50.00  50.00
 5 Michael Strizhevsky    Miles Duke               A    1     .     57.50  57.50  1.25(A)

                                          Totals                   250.00

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5
   1>     0     4     3     1     2
       -1210   750   480  -100   100

   2>     2     4     1     3     0
         -50   450  -100   140  -150

   3>     0     2-    2-    2-    2-
        -420  -400  -400  -400  -400

   4>     3     4     1     2     0
         300   500   100   200  -110

   5>     2-    2-    2-    2-    0
        -620  -620  -620  -620  -650

   6>     0     2-    2-    1     4
        -420  -140  -140  -170    50

   7>     0     3     1     2     4
         620   690   650   680   800

   8>     4     2     0     2     2
         120   -50  -140   -50   -50

   9>     2-    1     2-    0     4
         630  -200   630  -300   800

  10>     1-    1-    1-    1-    4
        -630  -630  -630  -630  -500

  11>      -    2-    4      -    2-
        -150   100   150  -150   100

  12>     1     0     3     4     2
        -110  -600   100   200  -100

  13>     4     0     2-    2-    1
         140  -200  -170  -170  -190

  14>     3-    3-    1-    0     1-
         920   920   430   420   430

  15>     4     0     1     2     3
        -130  -660  -650  -200  -150

  16>     3     0     1     3     3
         630  -100   130   630   630

  17>     4      -    2     3      -
         590  PASS    50   170  PASS

  18>     3-    0     1-    1-    3-
         -90  -500  -110  -110   -90

  19>     2     2     2     2     2
        -450  -450  -450  -450  -450

  20>     1-    1-    3-    0     3-
         100   100   200  -620   200

  21>     2     1     0     3-    3-
         170   100  -110   200   200

  22>     2-    0     2-    4     1
          50  -430    50   100  -150

  23>     3-    1-    3-    0     1-
         620  -100   620  -200  -100

  24>     0     1     3     3     3
        -300   -90    50    50    50

  25>     0     1-    1-    3-    3-
        -300  -200  -200  -100  -100

DBAA Open Pairs, Wednesday Eve, December 17, 2014

Download Board Recap (PBN)

Board 1
North Deals
None Vul

Download Board 1 (PBN)

6 ×S612104.000.001-Asbury-Ladyzhensky vs 1-Rittenberg-Nathan
6 ×E−11003.001.005-Hubert-White vs 4-Williams-Banks
7 ×S−11002.002.003-Roemmich-Wolfe vs 5-Strizhevsky-Duke
5 E64801.003.002-Gill-Lehman vs 3-Fendrick-Stogner
5 ×E67500.004.004-Powell-Byrne vs 2-Thorstad-Smith

Board 2
East Deals
N-S Vul

Download Board 2 (PBN)

4 E−31504.000.003-Roemmich-Wolfe vs 5-Strizhevsky-Duke
4 W−21003.001.002-Gill-Lehman vs 3-Fendrick-Stogner
4 E−1502.002.001-Asbury-Ladyzhensky vs 1-Rittenberg-Nathan
3 W31401.003.005-Hubert-White vs 4-Williams-Banks
4 W54500.004.004-Powell-Byrne vs 2-Thorstad-Smith

Board 3
South Deals
E-W Vul

Download Board 3 (PBN)

5 S64204.000.001-Asbury-Ladyzhensky vs 1-Rittenberg-Nathan
3 NTN34001.502.502-Gill-Lehman vs 3-Fendrick-Stogner
3 NTN34001.502.503-Roemmich-Wolfe vs 5-Strizhevsky-Duke
3 NTS34001.502.504-Powell-Byrne vs 2-Thorstad-Smith
3 NTN34001.502.505-Hubert-White vs 4-Williams-Banks

Board 4
West Deals
Both Vul

Download Board 4 (PBN)

2 N21104.000.003-Roemmich-Wolfe vs 5-Strizhevsky-Duke
2 N−11003.001.002-Gill-Lehman vs 3-Fendrick-Stogner
3 N−22002.002.005-Hubert-White vs 4-Williams-Banks
3 S−33001.003.001-Asbury-Ladyzhensky vs 1-Rittenberg-Nathan
3 ×N−25000.004.004-Powell-Byrne vs 2-Thorstad-Smith

Board 5
North Deals
N-S Vul

Download Board 5 (PBN)

4 S56504.000.003-Roemmich-Wolfe vs 5-Strizhevsky-Duke
4 S46201.502.501-Asbury-Ladyzhensky vs 1-Rittenberg-Nathan
4 S46201.502.502-Gill-Lehman vs 3-Fendrick-Stogner
4 S46201.502.504-Powell-Byrne vs 2-Thorstad-Smith
4 S46201.502.505-Hubert-White vs 4-Williams-Banks

Board 6
East Deals
E-W Vul

Download Board 6 (PBN)

4 N44204.000.004-Powell-Byrne vs 1-Rittenberg-Nathan
2 N41703.001.003-Roemmich-Wolfe vs 4-Williams-Banks
2 N31401.502.502-Gill-Lehman vs 2-Thorstad-Smith
3 S31401.502.505-Hubert-White vs 3-Fendrick-Stogner
4 S−1500.004.001-Asbury-Ladyzhensky vs 5-Strizhevsky-Duke

Board 7
South Deals
Both Vul

Download Board 7 (PBN)

4 E46204.000.004-Powell-Byrne vs 1-Rittenberg-Nathan
4 E56503.001.005-Hubert-White vs 3-Fendrick-Stogner
4 W66802.002.003-Roemmich-Wolfe vs 4-Williams-Banks
3 NTE66901.003.002-Gill-Lehman vs 2-Thorstad-Smith
2 ×N−38000.004.001-Asbury-Ladyzhensky vs 5-Strizhevsky-Duke

Board 8
West Deals
None Vul

Download Board 8 (PBN)

3 N31404.000.005-Hubert-White vs 3-Fendrick-Stogner
3 E−1502.002.001-Asbury-Ladyzhensky vs 5-Strizhevsky-Duke
3 E−1502.002.002-Gill-Lehman vs 2-Thorstad-Smith
2 NTE−1502.002.003-Roemmich-Wolfe vs 4-Williams-Banks
1 NTE21200.004.004-Powell-Byrne vs 1-Rittenberg-Nathan

Board 9
North Deals
E-W Vul

Download Board 9 (PBN)

4 E−33004.000.003-Roemmich-Wolfe vs 4-Williams-Banks
4 E−22003.001.002-Gill-Lehman vs 2-Thorstad-Smith
3 NTW46301.502.504-Powell-Byrne vs 1-Rittenberg-Nathan
3 NTW46301.502.505-Hubert-White vs 3-Fendrick-Stogner
4 ×S−48000.004.001-Asbury-Ladyzhensky vs 5-Strizhevsky-Duke

Board 10
East Deals
Both Vul

Download Board 10 (PBN)

3 NTS46302.501.502-Gill-Lehman vs 2-Thorstad-Smith
3 NTS46302.501.503-Roemmich-Wolfe vs 4-Williams-Banks
3 NTS46302.501.504-Powell-Byrne vs 1-Rittenberg-Nathan
3 NTS46302.501.505-Hubert-White vs 3-Fendrick-Stogner
2 ×E−25000.004.001-Asbury-Ladyzhensky vs 5-Strizhevsky-Duke

Board 11
South Deals
None Vul

Download Board 11 (PBN)

3 N51503.500.501-Asbury-Ladyzhensky vs 4-Williams-Banks
3 N51503.500.502-Gill-Lehman vs 1-Rittenberg-Nathan
3 NTN−21001.502.504-Powell-Byrne vs 5-Strizhevsky-Duke
3 NTN−21001.502.505-Hubert-White vs 2-Thorstad-Smith
4 N−31500.004.003-Roemmich-Wolfe vs 3-Fendrick-Stogner

Board 12
West Deals
N-S Vul

Download Board 12 (PBN)

3 NTS36004.000.005-Hubert-White vs 2-Thorstad-Smith
3 N31103.001.002-Gill-Lehman vs 1-Rittenberg-Nathan
3 W−21002.002.004-Powell-Byrne vs 5-Strizhevsky-Duke
3 NTS−11001.003.003-Roemmich-Wolfe vs 3-Fendrick-Stogner
3 NTS−22000.004.001-Asbury-Ladyzhensky vs 4-Williams-Banks

Board 13
North Deals
Both Vul

Download Board 13 (PBN)

3 E−22004.000.005-Hubert-White vs 2-Thorstad-Smith
3 S71903.001.004-Powell-Byrne vs 5-Strizhevsky-Duke
4 S61701.502.501-Asbury-Ladyzhensky vs 4-Williams-Banks
3 N61701.502.503-Roemmich-Wolfe vs 3-Fendrick-Stogner
3 E31400.004.002-Gill-Lehman vs 1-Rittenberg-Nathan

Board 14
East Deals
None Vul

Download Board 14 (PBN)

5 E64204.000.001-Asbury-Ladyzhensky vs 4-Williams-Banks
3 NTW44302.501.503-Roemmich-Wolfe vs 3-Fendrick-Stogner
3 NTE44302.501.504-Powell-Byrne vs 5-Strizhevsky-Duke
6 E69200.503.502-Gill-Lehman vs 1-Rittenberg-Nathan
6 E69200.503.505-Hubert-White vs 2-Thorstad-Smith

Board 15
South Deals
N-S Vul

Download Board 15 (PBN)

3 NTN56604.000.005-Hubert-White vs 2-Thorstad-Smith
4 S56503.001.003-Roemmich-Wolfe vs 3-Fendrick-Stogner
2 S52002.002.001-Asbury-Ladyzhensky vs 4-Williams-Banks
3 N51501.003.004-Powell-Byrne vs 5-Strizhevsky-Duke
2 N41300.004.002-Gill-Lehman vs 1-Rittenberg-Nathan

Board 16
West Deals
E-W Vul

Download Board 16 (PBN)

3 NTE−11004.000.003-Roemmich-Wolfe vs 2-Thorstad-Smith
4 E41303.001.001-Asbury-Ladyzhensky vs 3-Fendrick-Stogner
3 NTE46301.003.002-Gill-Lehman vs 5-Strizhevsky-Duke
3 NTE46301.003.004-Powell-Byrne vs 4-Williams-Banks
3 NTE46301.003.005-Hubert-White vs 1-Rittenberg-Nathan

Board 17
North Deals
None Vul

Download Board 17 (PBN)

PassPass3.500.502-Gill-Lehman vs 5-Strizhevsky-Duke
PassPass3.500.503-Roemmich-Wolfe vs 2-Thorstad-Smith
5 N−1502.002.001-Asbury-Ladyzhensky vs 3-Fendrick-Stogner
3 E41701.003.004-Powell-Byrne vs 4-Williams-Banks
4 ×E45900.004.005-Hubert-White vs 1-Rittenberg-Nathan

Board 18
East Deals
N-S Vul

Download Board 18 (PBN)

3 ×E−35004.000.003-Roemmich-Wolfe vs 2-Thorstad-Smith
2 N31102.501.501-Asbury-Ladyzhensky vs 3-Fendrick-Stogner
2 N31102.501.504-Powell-Byrne vs 4-Williams-Banks
2 N2900.503.502-Gill-Lehman vs 5-Strizhevsky-Duke
2 N2900.503.505-Hubert-White vs 1-Rittenberg-Nathan

Board 19
South Deals
E-W Vul

Download Board 19 (PBN)

4 S54502.002.001-Asbury-Ladyzhensky vs 3-Fendrick-Stogner
4 S54502.002.002-Gill-Lehman vs 5-Strizhevsky-Duke
4 S54502.002.003-Roemmich-Wolfe vs 2-Thorstad-Smith
4 S54502.002.004-Powell-Byrne vs 4-Williams-Banks
4 S54502.002.005-Hubert-White vs 1-Rittenberg-Nathan

Board 20
West Deals
Both Vul

Download Board 20 (PBN)

4 N46204.000.004-Powell-Byrne vs 4-Williams-Banks
4 N−11002.501.503-Roemmich-Wolfe vs 2-Thorstad-Smith
4 N−11002.501.505-Hubert-White vs 1-Rittenberg-Nathan
5 N−22000.503.501-Asbury-Ladyzhensky vs 3-Fendrick-Stogner
5 N−22000.503.502-Gill-Lehman vs 5-Strizhevsky-Duke

Board 21
North Deals
N-S Vul

Download Board 21 (PBN)

2 S21104.000.004-Powell-Byrne vs 3-Fendrick-Stogner
2 S−11003.001.001-Asbury-Ladyzhensky vs 2-Thorstad-Smith
2 W41702.002.003-Roemmich-Wolfe vs 1-Rittenberg-Nathan
3 S−22000.503.502-Gill-Lehman vs 4-Williams-Banks
3 W52000.503.505-Hubert-White vs 5-Strizhevsky-Duke

Board 22
East Deals
E-W Vul

Download Board 22 (PBN)

3 NTN44304.000.001-Asbury-Ladyzhensky vs 2-Thorstad-Smith
4 N51503.001.005-Hubert-White vs 5-Strizhevsky-Duke
6 N−1501.502.503-Roemmich-Wolfe vs 1-Rittenberg-Nathan
3 NTS−1501.502.504-Powell-Byrne vs 3-Fendrick-Stogner
4 N−21000.004.002-Gill-Lehman vs 4-Williams-Banks

Board 23
South Deals
Both Vul

Download Board 23 (PBN)

6 W−22004.000.002-Gill-Lehman vs 4-Williams-Banks
5 E−11002.501.501-Asbury-Ladyzhensky vs 2-Thorstad-Smith
5 W−11002.501.505-Hubert-White vs 5-Strizhevsky-Duke
4 W46200.503.503-Roemmich-Wolfe vs 1-Rittenberg-Nathan
4 E46200.503.504-Powell-Byrne vs 3-Fendrick-Stogner

Board 24
West Deals
None Vul

Download Board 24 (PBN)

3 ×W−23004.000.003-Roemmich-Wolfe vs 1-Rittenberg-Nathan
1 NTN1903.001.001-Asbury-Ladyzhensky vs 2-Thorstad-Smith
2 NTN−1501.003.002-Gill-Lehman vs 4-Williams-Banks
3 N−1501.003.004-Powell-Byrne vs 3-Fendrick-Stogner
3 S−1501.003.005-Hubert-White vs 5-Strizhevsky-Duke

Board 25
North Deals
E-W Vul

Download Board 25 (PBN)

2 W−33004.000.003-Roemmich-Wolfe vs 1-Rittenberg-Nathan
1 NTE−22002.501.501-Asbury-Ladyzhensky vs 2-Thorstad-Smith
2 W−22002.501.504-Powell-Byrne vs 3-Fendrick-Stogner
3 E−11000.503.502-Gill-Lehman vs 4-Williams-Banks
3 E−11000.503.505-Hubert-White vs 5-Strizhevsky-Duke

Download All Boards (PBN)

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